As of November 20, 2024, the TopHap program will no longer be available to Bay East members. For market trends and statistics, we encourage you to explore RPR, CRS Tax, and Community Reports, all conveniently located in the Resources tab of Paragon. Thank you for your understanding.
Month: November 2024
Wednesday, Nov 20 10pm to Thursday, Nov 21 at 4am PST.
Clareity will be performing a SQL upgrade and Paragon MLS will be performing their monthly “system-wide” downtime maintenance on Wednesday November 20.
Paragon MLS and Paragon Connect will be unavailable to access. Please note, this will also include:
– Data Share
– Parallel
– Membership Import tasks/processes
– Agent and other websites that rely on data directly from Paragon (such as photos)
Inventory, units sold and pricing information for all East Bay real estate markets are available online by clicking: and clicking on the city of interest.