Broker FAQs
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions from brokers on our dedicated Broker FAQ page. Whether you’re looking for guidance or clarity, we’ve got you covered.
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How do I setup my own brokerage?
Setup your office information with the DRE and obtain your Fictitious Business Name if desired.
To transfer your existing Bay East membership to your own office, complete and return the Bay East Transfer Package along with a copy of your broker license. Bay East will update your membership information with Bay East, C.A.R. and NAR – changes may take up to 48 hours.
Manually update your Lone Wolf Transactions – zipForm® Edition account profile with the newest information so it will appear on all forms going forward.
I have a new agent…what’s next?
The new agent must add your brokerage to their DRE license. This can be done through the DRE eLicensing portal. New agents may join any REALTOR® Association to which you belong. Bay East Association of REALTORS® new member application.
You can view instructions for adding an agents license to your brokerage on the DRE website here.
How do I change my office information?
To update the contact information for your office please complete and return the Firm Information Change form to Member Services.
Please note, this information will be listed for every agent in your office.
An agent has left my office, what do I need to do?
If an agent leaves your brokerage, remove their license from your brokerage via the DRE e-Licensing portal.
Complete and submit to Bay East a termination form. Bay East will process the termination with any of the memberships they hold including NAR, C.A.R., Lone Wolf Transactions – zipForm® Edition, MLS and Supra.
You can view instructions for removing a Salesperson license on the DRE website here.
Can I have an assistant? Licensed and Unlicensed?
Yes. Any licensed assistant who hangs their license with a REALTOR® broker is also required to carry REALTOR® membership. They can join as a Licensed Assistant (includes REALTOR® membership) by completing the Licensed Staff application or as a Licensed REALTOR® by completing the REALTOR®/MLS membership application.
Unlicensed assistants may also join the MLS to assist an agent who is a member of Bay East. Complete the Unlicensed Assistant application which must be signed by both the broker and the agent who is being assisted.
Please see sections 4.3 and 13.1 of the MLS Rules & Regulations for rules for both Licensed and Unlicensed assistants. C.A.R. provides a list of “Do’s and Don’ts” for Unlicensed Assistants (login required).
How do I setup IDX for my office?
Bay East IDX (Internet Data Exchange) gives MLS Participants/Subscribers the tool they need to display listings on their websites. IDX is the primary means of enhancing cooperation between REALTORS® to facilitate the purchase and sale of real estate property. Under the IDX real estate system, brokers exchange consent to display each other’s listings on the Internet.
To obtain IDX on your website, visit our IDX Services webpage for information, applications and a complete list of IDX approved vendors.
How do I syndicate listings for my office?
Listing syndication is a method of advertising whereby the Broker Must Opt-In to send firm listing information to a wide variety of websites, mobile apps, and print publications to reach diverse consumers searching for properties to buy.
ListHub allows brokers to have control of their internet marketing by sending their office listings to real estate search websites. Bay East has arranged for brokers to have the ability to opt-in for posting their listings.
Read additional information on how to set up either or both syndication options.
Where can I get help with MLS Rules & Regulations and/or Legal Advice?
Association staff can assist with questions regarding Bay East MLS Rules and Regulations but are unable to assist members with legal questions and/or advice.
The California Association of REALTORS® provides member legal services (login required) including a legal hotline, legal Q&As, support via email, sample letters and more.
What is Broker Compliance?
Commonly referred to as the “NAR Variable Dues Formula” for Designated REALTORS®, the National Association of REALTORS® Delegate Body approved this formula to ensure fairness. Member dues are based on the number of individuals licensed with REALTOR® principals (known as “Designated REALTORS®” or “DRs”). The premise is that every licensee in the firm benefits from the DR’s membership in the Association of REALTORS®, and, therefore, the DR’s dues should reflect all licensees in the firm – even those who are not REALTORS®.
Review this Legal Q&A (2016) that addresses frequently asked questions by DRs when they receive their annual dues billing from their local association.
What do I need to know as the broker for Accounting / Billing?
C.A.R. (California Association of REALTORS®) and NAR (National Association of REALTORS®) billing cycles run on a calendar year, January through December. Bay East Association of REALTORS® local dues and the MLS and Supra Key fees billing cycle run on a fiscal year of July through June.
Example: member renewing in June 2021, their annual invoice will include:
- Bay East local dues allocation, MLS and Supra Key fees (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022)
- C.A.R. and NAR dues allocations for 2022.
In accordance with Article IX, Section 2(b) of the Bay East Bylaws, Designated REALTORS® dues and assessments are based on the number of licensees under their brokerage.
Brokers, office managers, and designated assistants can log in into the Broker Portal on the Bay East website at any time to view the payment status of their agents by following these steps:
- Login to
If there are agents in your office who have not paid their fees here are some of your options:
- Reach out to the agent and ask him/her to pay
- Remove the agent’s license from your office on the DRE website using eLicensing.
Call the Bay East accounting department to pay agent’s fees/dues and explore other options directly at 925.730.1070.
What is a Referral Only Agent?
Referral Only agents are licensees affiliated with an entity solely engaged in referring clients and customers and are not engaged in the real estate profession as defined in Bylaws Article V, Section 2.2 (b) (buying, selling, exchanging, renting or leasing, managing, counseling, appraising for others for compensation, building, developing or subdividing real estate) and are not participants or subscribers in a Multiple Listing Service (“MLS”), may be eligible for Limited Function Referral Office (LFRO) status.
Brokers and brokerages who have potential LFRO agents, in accordance with Bylaws Article IX, Section 2(d), may certify agents with the association. LFRO agents must have their license hanging with the broker under the referral DBA.
Please contact Bay East Member services at 925.730.4060 for more information or review the LFRO Certification form.
You can view instructions to setup a DBA on the DRE website here
Where Can I Find Resources for Working with Buyers?
Access our resources for working with buyers page here.