LionDesk is now a C.A.R. member benefit available to all REALTOR® members. As a result, Bay East will not be renewing our direct agreement with LionDesk after May 10.
We understand that many of you have been using LionDesk and we want to ensure a smooth transition for you to continue using this valuable tool. We have been working closely with LionDesk to provide our members with a seamless process to transition to the C.A.R. member benefit.
To continue using LionDesk without interruption, please complete the transition steps before May 10.
Transitioning to your new access point for LionDesk just takes four easy steps.
1. Visit the LionDesk website.
2. Click on the “LOG INTO YOUR ACCOUNT” button.

3. Log in to C.A.R. – Once you are logged in, it will automatically direct you to LionDesk.
4. You will be prompted to “confirm your subscription plan” – At the bottom, you can click “Close and continue with C.A.R. Free Plan.”

This completes the transition of your Bay East account to C.A.R. Thank you and we appreciate your patience with the transition.