Click on the County to get more information
Alameda and Contra Costa Counties
- Primary Counties Covered
- Keys
- Lockboxes
- Open House Sign Ordinances
- Disclosures
- Housing Statistics
- Alameda
- Contra Costa
Does my Bay East Key work in Alameda County and Contra Costa counties?
What other counties does my Bay East Key work in?
● Alameda
● Contra Costa
● Monterey
● San Benito
● San Francisco
● San Mateo
● Santa Clara
● Santa Cruz
Does my Bay East Lockbox work in Alameda County and Contra Costa counties?
What other counties does my Bay East Lockbox work in?
● Alameda
● Contra Costa
● Monterey
● San Benito
● San Francisco
● San Mateo
● Santa Clara
● Santa Cruz
What lockbox is required on properties in Alameda County and Contra Costa counties?
iBox BT LE (it says BT LE in front of the box)
Click on the city name to access information on that city’s sign ordinances.
The Bay East, Contra Costa, and Bridge Association of REALTOR® associations are working together to provide their REALTOR® members with disclosure advisories for both Alameda and Contra Costa counties. These documents provide general information about selling and buying real property in Alameda and Contra Costa counties and are intended for use with the California Association of REALTORS® form.
Addendum for specific communities may be provided to augment the Disclosure and Disclaimer advisories.
These documents are available to REALTOR® members only. Bay East works to ensure the latest versions are in the Bay East zipForm® library.
To access the Disclosures, you must be logged into the website. Click here to access it.
Click on the city name to access information on that city’s housing statistics.
MLS that covers the northern part of the Bay Area
- Primary Counties Covered
- Keys
- Lockboxes
- Marin
- Mendocino
- Napa
- Solano
- Sonoma
Your Bay East Supra Key does not automatically work in BAREIS counties, you will need to contact BAREIS directly and request cooperating (co-op) your key. Ask about their application and confirm their hours, fees, and co-op process. All key co-op services are available to be completed remotely at this time, but always please call them first to confirm.
BAREIS MLS Service Centers:
- BAREIS MLS® – 153 Stoney Circle, Ste 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 – 707-575-8000
- BAREIS MLS® Mendocino -367 North State St., #107, Ukiah, CA 95482 – 707-575-8000
- North Solano AOR -3690 Hilborn Rd., Fairfield, CA 94533 – 707-422-5306
- Solano AOR -1302 Springs Road, Vallejo, CA 94591 – 707-644-5525
- Marin AOR -40 Mitchell Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94906 BAREIS MLS® – 707-575-8000
- Napa -575 Lincoln Ave., Suite 335, Napa, CA 94558 – 707-575-8000
Your Bay East Supra Lockbox does not automatically work in BAREIS Counties. If you take a listing within their counties, the MLS rules do require you to add a lockbox compatible with their area. You have the following two options:
1 – Purchase a box directly from one of their Service Centers.
2 – You may bring one of your Bay East lockboxes to the Bay East office to be deprogrammed and then take it to one of their service areas to be programmed for their areas.
BAREIS MLS Service Centers:
- BAREIS MLS® – 153 Stoney Circle, Ste 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 – 707-575-8000
- BAREIS MLS® Mendocino -367 North State St., #107, Ukiah, CA 95482 – 707-575-8000
- North Solano AOR -3690 Hilborn Rd., Fairfield, CA 94533 – 707-422-5306
- Solano AOR -1302 Springs Road, Vallejo, CA 94591 – 707-644-5525
- Marin AOR -40 Mitchell Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94906 BAREIS MLS® – 707-575-8000
- Napa -575 Lincoln Ave., Suite 335, Napa, CA 94558 – 707-575-8000
MLS that covers the southern part of the Bay Area
- Primary Counties Covered
- Keys
- Lockboxes
- Monterey
- San Benito
- Santa Clara
- Santa Cruz
- San Mateo
Your Bay East key work in MLSListings counties.
Your Bay East lockbox works in MLSListings counties.
- Primary Counties Covered
- Keys
- Lockboxes
- San Francisco
Your Bay East key work in San Francisco County.
Your Bay East lockbox work in San Francisco County.
MLS that covers the Central Valley and Sacramento areas
- Primary Counties Covered
- Keys
- Lockboxes
- Amador
- Butte
- Colusa
- El Dorado
- Nevada
- Placer
- San Joaquin
- Sacramento
- Stanislaus
- Sutter
- Western Merced
- Yolo
- Yuba
Your Bay East Supra Key does not automatically work in MetroList counties, you will need to contact MetroList directly and request cooperating (co-op) your key. Ask about their application and confirm their hours, fees, and co-op process.
METROLIST MLS Service Centers
- Amador County AOR -557 S. State Hwy 49, Jackson, CA 95642 – 209-223-3874
- CVAR Service Center -16980 S. Harlan Road, Lathrop, CA 95330 – 209-858-1700
- CVAR Service Center -2101 Greer, #101, Turlock, CA 95382 – 209-858-1700
- El Dorado Adm in Center -4096 Motherlode Dr., Shingle Springs, CA 95682 – 530-676-0161
- Lodi Admin Center-777 S. Ham Lane, Suite C., Lodi, CA 95242 – 209-368-5316
- Modesto Admin Center -1620 N. Carpenter Rd., Suite D48, Modesto, CA 95351 – 209-368-5316
- Nevada County AOR -336 Crown Point Cir., Grass Valley, CA 95351 – 530-272-2627
- Placer County AOR -270 Technology Way, Rocklin, CA 95765 – 916-624-8271
- Sacramento AOR -2003 Howe Ave., Sacramento, CA 95825 – 916-922-7711
- Sacramento Office-1164 West National, Suite 60, Sacramento, CA 95834 – 916-922-7584
- Admin Center-449 Elm Ave., Woodland, CA 95834 – 530-666-4253
Your Bay East Supra Lockbox does not automatically work in MetroList Counties. If you take a listing within their counties, the MLS rules do require you to add a lockbox compatible with their area. You have the following two options:
1 – Purchase a box directly from one of their Service Centers.
2 – You may bring one of your Bay East lockboxes to the Bay East office to be deprogrammed and then take it to one of their service areas to be programmed for their areas.
MetroList MLS Service Centers
- Amador County AOR -557 S. State Hwy 49, Jackson, CA 95642 – 209-223-3874
- CVAR Service Center -16980 S. Harlan Road, Lathrop, CA 95330 – 209-858-1700
- CVAR Service Center -2101 Greer, #101, Turlock, CA 95382 – 209-858-1700
- El Dorado Adm in Center -4096 Motherlode Dr., Shingle Springs, CA 95682 – 530-676-0161
- Lodi Admin Center-777 S. Ham Lane, Suite C., Lodi, CA 95242 – 209-368-5316
- Modesto Admin Center -1620 N. Carpenter Rd., Suite D48, Modesto, CA 95351 – 209-368-5316
- Nevada County AOR -336 Crown Point Cir., Grass Valley, CA 95351 – 530-272-2627
- Placer County AOR -270 Technology Way, Rocklin, CA 95765 – 916-624-8271
- Sacramento AOR -2003 Howe Ave., Sacramento, CA 95825 – 916-922-7711
- Sacramento Office-1164 West National, Suite 60, Sacramento, CA 95834 – 916-922-7584
- Admin Center-449 Elm Ave., Woodland, CA 95834 – 530-666-4253
The MLS™/Combined LA Westside (CLAW)
- Primary Counties Covered
- Keys
- Lockboxes
Click Here to get access to the areas covered.
Your Bay East Key does not work within their area. To use keys within that area, you have become a member of The MLS™/CLAW.
Your Bay East Lockbox does not work within their areas. To add a lockbox compatible with their area, you have become a member of The MLS™/CLAW and purchase a lockbox directly from them.
California Regional MLS (CRMLS)
- Primary Counties Covered
- Keys
- Lockboxes
•Arcadia •Burbank •Citrus Valley •Coastal Mendocino •Greater Downey •East Valley •Fresno •Glendale Greater Southern MLS •High Desert •Inglewood Inland Valleys •Joshua Tree Gateway •Laguna Lake County •Madera •Mariposa County •Merced County •Montebello District •Newport Beach North San Diego County | •North San Luis Obispo County |
Your Bay East Key automatically opens SUPRA lockboxes on CRMLS listings.
It is our understanding that some Associations that are part of CRMLS use the SentriLock lockbox. If there is a Sentrilock lockbox being used, contact the listing agent to provide access to the property.
*Please confirm with the agent which lockbox (Supra or Sentrilock) is being used on a listing before going.
Your Bay East lockbox works in CRMLS counties.
- Primary Counties Covered
- Keys
- Lockboxes
- Tuolumne
Your Bay East lockbox works in Tuolumne counties.