We want to inform you of an important update to the MLS rules regarding Coming Soon listings in Broker back-office feeds.
Previous Rule:
“Allow Coming Soon data to be in Broker back-office feeds (no front-facing data component) (Brokerages own data only).”
Updated Rule:
“Upon request all Paragon MLS Coming Soon data can be in Broker back-office data feeds. However, Coming Soon listings may not be displayed or integrated into any public-facing products or websites, except for listings belonging to the listing brokerage.”
This update clarifies that broker back-office data feeds include all Paragon-generated Coming Soon data. It also outlines how this data can be used within broker back-office systems and what Coming Soon information, if any, can be publicly displayed.
If you have any questions about this change, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at mlsservices@bayeast.org