Showings must conform to the strictest limitations imposed by any government entity for the jurisdiction within which the property is located. All MLS Participants and Subscribers are strongly encouraged to fully inform themselves of the Orders and Directives affecting the showing of property within the jurisdiction of the property. Residential viewings must only occur virtually or, if a virtual viewing is not feasible, by appointment (Vacant Properties only) with no more than two visitors at a time residing within the same household or living unit and one individual showing the unit (except that in person visits are not allowed when the occupant is still residing in the residence). Members are permitted to add “Shown By Appointment” (Vacant Properties only) only in the confidential remarks. All other showing instructions are not allowed in the MLS and will be removed.
What does ‘vacant’ property mean?
According to Alameda and Contra Costa Counties and the City of Berkeley, vacant means that no one is using the property as a residence or place of abode. A property is not vacant if the occupant is gone on a trip and intends to return. It is not vacant just because the occupant leaves the property during the viewing allowed by the Orders. The intent is the property is not occupied or used as a place to live, and there is no intent to use it prior to the close of the transaction
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